Victorian News

Estimates: Melbourne Metro funding

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I want to have a final reprise. I know we have covered this during the day, but hopefully it will not take too long. Give us as a ...

Estimates: speed restrictions on Albury Rail

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I want to go to the bigger question. We have the example of the Western Distributor. I will follow on from that but more in a gene...

Estimates: Western Distributor, Inland Rail and Melbourne Metro

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I will begin with Mr Mrdak. I want to follow up some further questions about the Western Distributor. I want to confirm any approa...

Western Distributor independent assessments

6 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I will continue my questions about the Western Distributor. Trying to get information about the Western Distributor is like playin...

Estimates: Regional Forest Agreement rollovers

3 March, 2017 - Senator RICE: I have some questions about the regional forest agreements, and in particular about the efficacy of the agreements. What measures ...

School sites should stay in public hands say Greens

3 March, 2017 - Former school sites being mooted for sale should remain in public hands, Education Spokesperson, Sue Pennicuik MP said today. “History tells us ...

Victorians crying out for PT funding

1 March, 2017 - With reports the federal and Victorian governments are close to an agreement on infrastructure spending, the Greens say public transport project...

End the secrecy on Western Distributor

28 February, 2017 - With the Victorian government refusing to hand over the independent assessments of the Western Distributor toll road proposal to Infrastruct...

Coal and Coral

27 February, 2017 - The attempt to block the leader of the Australian Greens, Dr Richard Di Natale, from demonstrating the damage being done to the Great Barrie...

Children Legislation Amendment (Reportable Conduct) Bill 2016

23 February, 2017 - I would like to confirm that the Greens will be supporting this bill. The Greens strongly support the intention behind the Children Legislat...

Heritage Bill 2016

23 February, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise today to speak on the Heritage Bill 2016. The Greens welcome the reinvigoration of heritage protecti...

High-Priority Interim Protection Areas

23 February, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Special Minister of State. As the Premier’s representative, you would be aware that ...

Syndal to Heatherdale Pipeline Trail

23 February, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. To celebrate the completion of the fir...

Timber Industry Taskforce and Advisory Group

23 February, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Special Minister of State. Considering the Premier’s Forest Industry Taskforce has n...

Adjournment: Richmond Station

22 February, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Public Transport. It concerns the platform...