Victorian News

Value capture proposal not the silver bullet for high speed rail

8 February, 2017 - The Greens have warned that a Parliamentary Committee’s support for value capture for high speed rail along Australia’s east coast is fraught...

A supervised injecting centre for Richmond

7 February, 2017 - Two weeks ago I was invited to walk around Richmond with several residents to look at the problems they have because of street heroin use. Th...

Blue Vein Coupe

7 February, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — My question is for the Minister for Agriculture. Has the minister requested that VicForests undertake an ext...

Greens move to protect child dental

7 February, 2017 - “Today I am moving to disallow the government’s harsh cuts to Medicare funded child dental care," Senator Richard Di Natale said today. “Late...

Member statement: Duck season

7 February, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — It is so very disappointing that on 3 January the government announced that a full, 12-week, duck shoo...

Members Statement - Rainbow Serpent Festival

7 February, 2017 - I rise today to talk about a trip that I made the weekend before last up to an area just out of Lexton for the Rainbow Serpent Festival to vi...

Spent Convictions Bill 2017

7 February, 2017 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) introduced a bill for an act to provide that a person's conviction for certain offences is spent if the ...

Upper Ferntree Gully Height Limits

7 February, 2017 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — On 23 January this year, Knox City Council tabled at its council meeting a report by an independent planning...

Greens question youth justice proposals

6 February, 2017 - Greens MP Nina Springle has condemned the decision to transfer youth justice to the Department of Justice and questioned whether building a n...

Failed logging laws secretly renewed

3 February, 2017 - The Victorian and federal governments appear to have quietly extended the East Gippsland Regional Forest Agreement, prompting the Greens to c...

Failed logging laws secretly renewed

3 February, 2017 - The Victorian and federal governments appear to have quietly extended the East Gippsland Regional Forest Agreement, prompting the Greens to c...

Return trains, trams to public hands

2 February, 2017 - Statement by Samantha Dunn MP, Victorian Greens Spokesperson for Public Transport The Victorian Greens support the call by the Rail Tram and ...

Expansion of native forest logging not the answer to Heyfield Mill's supply crisis

31 January, 2017 - Greens spokesperson for Forests, Samantha Dunn MP, said the State Government must not expand native forest logging as part of a deal to keep ...

Inquiry shows path forward for marriage equality

25 January, 2017 - A Senate Inquiry has shown that equal marriage is possible in this term of Parliament, despite highlighting flaws in the federal government’s...

Greens support review of bail system but say the courts need more resources

24 January, 2017 - Victorian Greens Justice spokesperson, Sue Pennicuik, expressed her deepest sympathies to the victims and families of those affected by the t...