Victorian News

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016

5 December, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — I am very pleased to speak today in full support of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amen...

Fast track taskforce to prepare for smelter closure

2 December, 2016 - Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber has called for the State Government to fast track the establishment of a transition taskforce to prepare ...

Finally, action on Wicked Campers?

2 December, 2016 - Wicked Campers exploit a loophole in the Advertising Standards to advertise using sexist, racist and homophobic slogans and on Monday, we mig...

Foreign ownership of water on agricultural land

2 December, 2016 -  I rise today to speak to the Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land Amendment (Water) Bill 2016. The bill before us today would ...

Greens backpacker tax deal is a win for farmers and the environment

2 December, 2016 - This political grandstanding from Labor tonight is sour grapes because we have been able to deliver an outcome that they are jealous of and t...

MOTION: Regional Forest Agreements

2 December, 2016 - Senator RICE: I move: (a) notes that:    (i) Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) have been in place as 20-year agreements, designed to manage t...

MOTION: World AIDS Day 2016

2 December, 2016 - Senator SMITH (Liberal Party): I, and also on behalf of Senators Pratt and Rice, move: That the Senate— (a) notes that:    (i) 1 December 201...

Greens announce end to backpacker tax deadlock and $100mil for Landcare

1 December, 2016 - Senator Di Natale, Australian Greens Leader said today, “This is a victory for farmers who have been watching their fruit wither and die on t...

Greens announce end to backpacker tax deadlock and $100mil for Landcare

1 December, 2016 - Senator Di Natale, Australian Greens Leader said today, “This is a victory for farmers who have been watching their fruit wither and die on t...

Senate unites to support World AIDS Day

1 December, 2016 - In recognition that today is World AIDS Day, the Senate has passed a motion reaffirming Australia’s commitment to ending HIV transmission by ...

We can have a true sustainable wood products industry for the future

1 December, 2016 - As we head into summer, many people are sitting at work or at home, picturing what exciting things they might get up to in their holidays. If...

Minority Report - Inquiry into Onshore Unconventional Gas in Victoria 2015

30 November, 2016 - Introduction This minority report reflects my views in relation to submissions received by a broad range of community members, individual ...

ABCC won't improve productivity, just attack working Australians

29 November, 2016 - I rise to speak on the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013. I comment first on the name of the bill—'impro...

MOTION: fire ants OPD

29 November, 2016 - I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that the Senate – 1. Notes: a. The adverse effect of Red Imported Fire Ant popula...

Senate to look into marriage equality bill

29 November, 2016 - The Greens will join Labor and the crossbench to create a Senate inquiry on marriage equality and the Coalition government’s draft bill to a...