Victorian News

All we're getting from this government is a roads roads roads ideology

28 November, 2016 - I move: That the Senate— (a) notes that:    (i) the funding reallocated by the Turnbull Government last week from the now­ defunct East West...

Lack of organ donors only perpetuating organ harvesting

28 November, 2016 - Motion text: Senator RICE:  I, and also on behalf of Senator Abetz, move:   That the Senate—   (a) notes:       (i) deeply concerning report...

Response to PM's infrastructure statement

28 November, 2016 - This ministerial statement on infrastructure is full of fine sounding, silver tongued words from the Prime Minister. It is yet another examp...

Richard talks drug law reform on ABC 702

28 November, 2016 - Richard joined ABC 702 Breakfast to discuss the Greens' new policy on reducing the harm caused by illicit drugs. Video & Multimedia Health

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2016

28 November, 2016 - Like so many Australians, I have been appalled by the rise of Donald Trump and the fear and hatred that has accompanied him. The positions t...

Greens' announce drug policy reform

27 November, 2016 - Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale has announced that the party has reached consensus on a major reform to its drugs polic...

Richard Di Natale at the Greens' National Conference

26 November, 2016 - Leader of the Australian Greens Party Dr Richard Di Natale has called on the government to put the interests of farmers ahead of their wealt...

Speech to National Conference

26 November, 2016 - Australian Greens National Conference - November 2016Check against delivery. A week might be long time in politics but a year is an eternity...

Greens to Turnbull: we’ll believe infrastructure talk when we see action

24 November, 2016 - The Turnbull government’s response to Infrastructure Australia’s Australian Infrastructure Plan is shaping up to be just another example of ...

Senate calls for Australia to act against organ harvesting

24 November, 2016 - The Senate has passed a motion recognising the human rights challenges of forced organ procurement in parts of the world and inviting the go...

Transport Integration Amendment (Head, Transport for Victoria and Other Governance Reforms) Bill 2016

24 November, 2016 - Ms DUNN (Eastern Metropolitan) — I rise tonight to speak on the Transport Integration Amendment (Head, Transport for Victoria and Other Gove...

When will the Port-Rail Shuttle be built?

24 November, 2016 - Constituent question: My question is for the Minister for Ports, and it is in relation to the port rail shuttle, which is a crucial infrastr...

Working with Children Amendment Bill 2016

24 November, 2016 - I am pleased to rise this evening to contribute to the Working with Children Amendment Bill 2016. It is clear from the Working with Children...

Adjournment: Beaumaris Secondary College site

23 November, 2016 - Ms PENNICUIK (Southern Metropolitan) — My adjournment matter this evening is for the Minister for Education, and it relates to the Beaumaris...