Hi, I’m Adam
I’m a proud queer man, currently serving as Mayor of Merri-bek city council. My partner Niccolò and I reside in the vibrant community of Brunswick East, and I’ve been proud to have served on Merri-bek council since 2020.
I am a passionate campaigner for social, environmental and economic justice. Prior to becoming Mayor, I worked at the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. In my next term, I’m looking forward to progressing Treaty with local Traditional Owners, planting more trees, protecting our beautiful green spaces and building more parks.
I’m passionate about supporting more social and affordable housing in Merri-bek, so everyone has a place to call home. We need to make our streets safer and greener for everyone - whether you’re walking, riding, rolling or driving.
Together, let’s nurture an inclusive, sustainable and connected Merri-bek.
Your vote is powerful.
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Restore the Normanby Pedestrian Bridge
Our community shouldn't have an active transport connection be relegated to half a bridge to nowhere