27 October 2023
The Victorian Greens mourn the loss of Cr Dr David Zyngier z”l.
A lifelong activist and fighter for social justice, David will be greatly missed by our Greens community. David’s lifelong passion for worker’s rights, public education, sustainability and peace leave an enormous legacy. We send our strength and love to the Zyngier family and his community.
David’s family have requested privacy and peace at this time.
May his memory be a blessing.
I grew up in the City of Glen Eira and I am honoured to be your councillor for Camden ward.
I recently helped found the Glen Eira Emergency Climate Action Network (GECAN) and successfully lobbied local council to recently declare a Climate Emergency. I will listen carefully to your needs; and then act with and for you on the issues that concern you most. I understand the hopes and needs of people in our local area.
My key priorities are community wellbeing, social justice and sustainability while pursuing greater openness, transparency and participation in local government decision making.
I have strong connections to the Melbourne Jewish community as the former Principal of a Jewish day School, and advocacy of Jewish LGBT rights, and as an active member of Kehilat Nitzan. I also volunteer for the Father Bob McGuire Foundation and Courage to Care.
I will actively work to ensure that the Council:
- upholds its commitment to be carbon neutral,
- increases our Open Green Spaces,
- promotes inclusion, and support for wellbeing initiatives for all the diverse groups in Glen Eira
- listens to Glen Eira residents and includes them in the decision-making processes of Council.
Change is inevitable, but it should not be at the cost of our heritage, local environment and culture. I see many opportunities to improve how council engages with the community. Decisions must be based on values like transparency, respect and collaboration.
I am committed to standing up for what matters, a stance that has informed my lifetime of activism to make our world a better place for our children.
David Zyngier