Karen Hovenga

Candidate for City of Yarra - Melba Ward

Hi, I'm Karen

I’m a North Richmond local, community advocate and grandmother. I‘ve lived here for 35 years and our community deserves a representative who will listen to them, rather than corporations and property developers. 

My advocacy for the North Richmond precinct and long term involvement with the Belgium Avenue Neighbourhood House has deeply connected me to the North Richmond community. 

As a sustainability engineer, I have experience advocating for eco-friendly practices. I am dedicated to making biking and walking more enjoyable and am deeply concerned about the North Richmond housing estate and the planned demolition of the towers. 

As your councillor for Melba ward, I will  push for  strong support for public housing residents and climate friendly services. With our community’s support, we can elect a majority on Yarra council and put people before profit.

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