Karl Hessian

Candidate for Melbourne City Council

Hi, I'm Karl

As a longstanding resident of our vibrant West Melbourne community, I am committed to ensuring that the voices of the community are supported and listened to in council decision-making. We need to make sure the 2025-29 council plan reflects the aspirations of our diverse community. Local government plays a pivotal role in climate action through embedding sustainable initiatives for our city: reducing food waste, recycling initiatives, protecting native species, planting trees, active transport and supercharging renewable energy.

I will work closely with residents and students across the city of Melbourne to bring their voices and needs to council. As our city grows, we have the opportunity to create an inclusive city where everyone has affordable, secure housing and access to good-quality public services. 

Together, let’s make a Melbourne that is a world leader in sustainability, liveability and where we can all thrive. 

Your vote is powerful.