Kenna Morrison

Candidate for Merri-Bek City Council - Pentridge Ward

Hi, I'm Kenna

I’m a queer woman, progressive Christian and community advocate. 

Our local area deserves a representative who will listen to them, rather than corporations and property developers. With experience working in our community, as a social worker in schools, child protection and adult mental health, I care deeply about our community and will never sell out to corporate interests. 

I have experience as a business owner and association manager in bureaucratic administration and understand the impact and importance of policy in our community. 

As your councillor for Pentridge Ward, I will fight for genuinely affordable housing, public transport for the future, safe bike riding and walking and for a thriving local community. 

I am committed to being an open and responsive Councillor who acts consistently in line with Greens values.

Your vote is powerful.