Ruth Jelley

Candidate for Darebin City Council - South Central Ward

Hi, I'm Ruth

I’m a workers’ rights activist, a renter and a campaigner for women’s rights. I am passionate about local climate action, creating safer streets and restoring integrity to Darebin council. 

I’m a founder of Streets Alive Darebin - an advocacy group that supports safer streets for people of all ages and life stages to move safely throughout Darebin. I want to see safe, convenient, connected infrastructure for people who ride bikes or e-scooters, walk or use mobility aids – including accessible tram platforms and separated bike lanes on High Street. We also need to increase affordable medium-density housing in Northcote and Thornbury and support residents to transition to renewable energy and get off gas. 

Darebin can lead the way with evidence-based and community-focused decision making that sets us up for the future. Darebin Council needs real leadership to take action on the climate, housing and cost of living crises.  

Let’s work collectively to achieve lasting outcomes for a sustainable, thriving Darebin.