Animals Policy


  1. We must work towards ending all inhumane treatment of animals

2. Animals are sentient beings capable of feeling and suffering. Their intrinsic worth is separate from the needs of humans, and the welfare of animals must be respected with regard to both the survival of species and the protection of individual animals.

3. People have a responsibility to minimise any physical, psychological and emotional suffering caused to animals by their actions, and to provide legal protections for animals.

4. Animal welfare should be considered in terms of the “five freedoms”:

  • a. freedom from hunger and thirst;
  • b. freedom from discomfort;
  • c. freedom from pain, injury and disease;
  • d. freedom to behave normally; and
  • e. freedom from fear and distress.

5. Victoria’s biodiversity, including native wildlife and its natural habitat, is of immense value, and must be maintained and enhanced.

6. Introduced species that cause environmental damage, including to native wildlife, habitat, agricultural production or human health, should be humanely controlled.

7. Current levels of meat production in Victoria are unsustainable and must be reduced


1. The establishment of an independent regulatory body for animal welfare to monitor compliance and with full prosecutorial power and standing in relation to animal matters.

2. The implementation of systems that allow animals to satisfy their basic needs for natural physical movement, space, rest and interaction with others of their species.

3. An end to animal and fish farming practices that are inconsistent with animals’ natural behavioural needs, and a phasing out of all intensive animal farming practices.

4. Providing incentives to farmers to transition from intensive to less intensive forms of animal farming.

5. An end to the captivity and killing of animals for the cosmetic and fashion industries.

6. Community education on the needs of animals and our responsibility to minimise any physical, psychological and emotional suffering of animals caused by human activities, and to maximise their quality of life.

7.Education for consumers about the impact of product choices on environment, health and animal welfare.

8. The implementation of regenerative farming and sustainable fishing practices that cause the least impact on native animal habitat, soils, water and climate.

9. An end to animals being used for toxicological, product testing and other studies where scientifically valid non-animal methods exist.

10. The pursuit of technologies that enable further avoidance of the use of animals for teaching and research.

11. Strengthened on-going education programs for scientific researchers and animal ethics committee members in up-to-date, non-animal research methods.

12. The elimination of all inhumane practices in relation to the breeding, sale and confinement of companion animals.

13. Development of well-regulated ‘no kill’ shelters to rehabilitate and rehome unclaimed impounded companion animals.

14. An end to selective breeding of characteristics detrimental to animal welfare and to reproduction of animals already possessing such characteristics.

15. Discouraging impulse buying by banning the sale of live animals from pet shops and restricting the sale of live companion animals to authorised and regulated breeders and to non-profit animal re-homing organisations.

16. Ensuring the provision of adequate resources for the promotion of responsible pet ownership and for the investigation and prosecution of acts of animal cruelty

17. To ensure desexing services for companion animals are free and accessible to help control stray and feral animal numbers

18. Greater community understanding of the intrinsic worth of native wildlife.

19. The protection of native wildlife, their right to live freely in their natural environments, and the protection, restoration and extension of remaining wildlife habitat.

20. Ban the unsustainable commercial killing of kangaroos and other native wildlife

21. Effective management of domestic animals so that they are not able to establish themselves in the wild.

22. The end of fishing practices that are unsustainable, or that adversely affect non-target species.

23. The promotion of sensitive eco-tourism where native animals may be observed in their natural habitat.

24. The effective control or elimination of populations of feral and pest animals by the most humane and safe methods feasible.

25. The end of inhumane methods of animal control, including the use of leg-hold traps and poison baits such as 1080.

26. Incentives for landowners and new suburb development to create native wildlife corridors and to preserve habitat.

27. Significantly increased funding for research and adoption of available non-lethal methods for the management of introduced species.

28. Severe penalties for animal cruelty and the illegal capture and sale of native animals, and providing adequate resources for their investigation and prosecution.

29. The abolition of all cruel and inhumane treatment of animals used in sport, recreation and entertainment.

30. An end to greyhound racing, commercial horse racing, the use of whips and other inhumane practices in activities involving animals, and the use of animals in circuses and rodeos.

31. Animals being kept in zoos only where their natural behaviours are supported by suitable habitat.

32. The end of recreational hunting on public land.

33. A ban on the recreational shooting of native water birds, except by First Nations people within the context of cultural practices.

34. A comprehensive review of current legislation and codes of practice to better protect animal welfare in all areas.

35. To ensure that cruel acts and practices against animals are treated as serious crimes in legislation.

36. An end to selective breeding of characteristics detrimental to animal welfare.


Animals Policy as amended by State Council on 11th September 2021