Older People Policy


1. Australian Greens Victoria recognise that our population is ageing, and therefore older people policy impacts on an increasing section of the community.

2. The skills and life experience of older people are valuable to the community and the economy.

3. Older people have an equal right and should be encouraged to participate in social, economic and political aspects of life and to maintain their independence to whatever degree they feel able.

4. All older Australians are entitled to a liveable income and appropriate concessions.

5. The federal government must play a central role in the regulation and provision of aged care services.

6. Older Victorians, their carers and families should have the right to choose appropriate and affordable care services that meet their needs and maintain their dignity, independence and quality of life.

7. Access to good quality, appropriate health and aged care services should be on the basis of need and not the ability to pay or the place of residence.

8. Victoria’s diverse community calls for a range of ways to support older people to age in line with their beliefs, culture and their chosen support network.


1. A range of affordable, appropriate and secure accommodation options for older people, including public and social housing, also in regional and rural Australia.

2. Aged care system to deliver quality support, nursing and personal care provided by adequate numbers of appropriately qualified staff, culturally appropriate, nutritious food and safe and comfortable surroundings for older people whether in residential, home or hospital care.

3. Appropriate aged care services for First Nations peoples, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, LGBTIQA+ people and other people with special needs in state-run facilities with adequate staff ratios.

4. Support for isolated seniors to connect with their communities.

5. Appropriate support services for older people who choose to remain in their own homes, including community care programs and home modification.

6. Establishing a funded scheme to undertake minor home renovations, including installation of communication technologies, in order to enable older people to remain in their own homes.

7. Adequate support for carers of older people, including respite services, access to information, income support and tax benefits.

8. Increased funding to enhance the numbers, skills and salaries of staff in the aged care sector.

9. The needs and voices of older persons included in urban planning and design, ranging from universal design standards for adaptable housing to accessible transport and community facilities.

10. Expansion of community based education for older people and improved support for older workers who wish to take up skill development and educational opportunities.

11. Improved employment outcomes for older Australians through:

  • a. flexible work arrangements;
  • b. skills development;
  • c. enabling older workers to stay in the workforce as long as they want to under flexible arrangements; and
  • d. Protecting older workers against age discrimination and valuing age diversity within workforce.

12. Encouraging and facilitating volunteer work by older people.

13. State and territory governments to amend workers' compensation regimes (including incapacity payments) to ensure older workers are not disadvantaged.

14. Availability and affordability of insurance for senior Australians, including insurance for volunteers and travel insurance.

15. Investment in facilitating older people to plan ahead, e.g. confirming enduring guardians, binding funeral and burial instructions, and enduring financial managers and advanced care directives.

16. Advocate for the Victorian Government to collaborate with other state governments to make seniors’ concessions available and consistent Australia-wide.


Older People Policy as amended by State Council on 19th March 2022