Sport and Recreation


1. Sport and recreation are an essential part of Victorian culture.

2. Sport and recreation promote physical and mental health and wellbeing and the development of social, organisational and communication skills.

3. Sporting and recreational facilities, services and infrastructure should be available to all Victorians.

4. Sporting excellence should be encouraged and recognised.

5. Community sporting clubs should promote and encourage inclusion and participation throughout the community.

6. Community sporting clubs should be assisted by local and state governments to promote and encourage inclusion and participation of lower income residents, especially children.

7. The integrity of sport should be encouraged by sound and transparent governance structures.


Integrity of sport

1. The establishment of a department-level integrity in sports unit.

2. Governance structures and financial structures in sporting organisations and associations to ensure integrity in all sporting codes.

3. A sporting environment free of performance enhancing drugs.

4. Education for sporting institutes, clubs and services on the problem of drugs in sport.

5. Penalties and incentives to eradicate the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

6. Restricted advertising and sponsoring of sports events by alcohol companies.

7. Reduced influence of gambling on sport through:

  • a. tight regulation and restricted advertising for sports betting; and
  • b. education about the risks and harms of gambling on sport.

8. Protection for the welfare of all animals used within the sporting industry.

Equity in sport

9. Government to promote and provide access to sport and recreation facilities for participants with specific gender, disability, cultural or religious requirements.

10. The adoption of codes of practice in sport that discourage acts of violence or antisocial behaviour and encourage a culture of respect for all people.

11. Government to promote the participation of low income children

12. Membership fees and costs to participation in sport to be structured so as to not be barriers for those of low income.

13. Increased promotion and financial support of women’s sport.

14. Resourcing of physical recreation and sports participation activities for First Nations communities to be a priority

15. Equitable access to funding to take account of socio-economic factors and capacity to access alternative funds.

16. Increased promotion and financial support for disability inclusive and adaptive sport.

17. All sporting facilities to meet adequate accessibility requirements for participants and patrons.

Health, wellbeing and skills support

18. Development of innovative public education programs that promote the benefits of whole-of-life physical activity.

19. Programs that focus on sports injury prevention and the long-term impact of treatment options.

20. Protections to ensure that combat sports are properly regulated.

21. Reduction of deaths by drowning through children being competent in water survival skills, with a focus on schools programs.

22. The Victorian Institute of Sport to identify and prepare athletes for progression into national programs.

23. Skills support for junior athletes in pathway programs, ensuring that the identification and development of talented athletes includes educational and vocational support of the athlete.

Sporting and recreational facilities

24. Community involvement in the planning, control and management of sporting and recreation facilities.

25. The staging of sporting events and the building of sporting facilities to minimise environmental impact.

26. Facilitation of the sharing of school and other state government sporting facilities with local communities.

27. Appropriate local and state government support and resourcing for local sports clubs and community facilities, especially where increased participation is expected.

28. Facilities at parks, bike paths and shading of playgrounds to encourage active recreation.

29. Appropriate support and resourcing for local sports clubs and community facilities.

Sport and Recreation Policy as amended by the membership on 23 June 2024.