Our Party

The Greens (WA) is a member of the Australian Greens, one of the many Green political parties worldwide. Green parties have an expansive vision that challenges the narrow economic focus of the major parties. Green parties are often misrepresented as single issue parties. However, our vision of the future is based on the four interconnecting pillars of social justice, ecological sustainability, peace and nonviolence, and participatory democracy.

The Greens (WA) was established in 1990 following the merger of the WA Green Party and the Green Earth Alliance, which was itself the product of an earlier merger between the Alternative Coalition, the Vallentine Peace Group and Green Development. All these groups drew inspiration from the West German Greens (as they then were) as well as the many successful community campaigns in WA and throughout Australia.

The Greens (WA) worked closely with the Australian Greens but did not become formal members until 2003 when The Greens (WA) held a ballot of all the membership on the question of formally joining the Australian Greens confederation. There was an eighty per cent vote in favour. On the 11th of October 2003 at the Australian Greens National Conference the Greens (WA) were formally accepted as members of the Australian Greens.

The Greens WA have a growing and vibrant membership which continues to work towards embedding our four pillars in political decision making at local, State and Federal government levels.

The Greens (WA) Constitution

The Greens (WA) Annual Reports

Annual Report 2024