WA Greens Events

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Upcoming events in these areas

Turning Swan Green - Coffee, DK and Lunch in Carlisle

The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about issues that matter to them - and we need your help.

Turn Curtin Green: Scarborough Doorknock

Let's have conversations about what really matters

Turning Perth Green: Bayswater Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Copy of Turning Perth Green: Bayswater Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Mandurah Doorknock - Turn Canning Green

Get involved in your neighbourhood and help us make history this election!

Turning Perth Green: A Perth Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Turning Perth Green: A Leederville Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Turning Swan Green - Coffee, DK and Lunch in Carlisle

The Greens are having thousands of conversations with the community about issues that matter to them - and we need your help.

Turning Perth Green: A North Perth Doorknock

Come help us make history this election!

Moore/Cowan Volunteer Mixer

Join the Moore/Cowan Greens at the Greenwood Hotel

Swan Calling Party!

Come help us turn Swan Green!

Perth Team Data Party!

Come help us make history this election!