Western Australia’s rural communities are essential to our food security, economy and cultural identity. The Greens (WA) recognise the important role farmers pl…
Air Quality
Air quality is a significant concern for human and environmental health. The Greens (WA) are committed to solving air pollution problems, both in urban areas an…
Alcohol & Other Drugs
The use of both legal and illegal drugs may harm individual users, their families and the community. The current punitive model is failing to reduce harm res…
Animals deserve our care and respect and must be recognised as living, feeling beings that have value separate from the wants and needs of people. The way anima…
Arts & Culture
Creative artistic expression and cultural experience are fundamental to social well-being and contribute significantly to social identity. Artistic expression a…
Beyond Waste
Today’s waste management decisions leave a legacy for future generations. Waste in landfill generates many harmful pollutants, including methane, a greenhouse g…
The protection and conservation of biodiversity1 is essential for the wellbeing of all life on Earth. The reduction of Western Australia’s biodiversity has harm…
All children should be valued and supported to realise their full potential. Children should have equitable access and benefit from the best possible schooling,…
Climate Change
We are in a climate emergency; environmental collapse is rapidly approaching. The increase in extreme climate-related events shows us that global heating is now…
Cultural Diversity
To be multicultural is to celebrate and respect a diversity of culture. The Greens (WA) believe in actively welcoming and supporting cultural and ethnic diversi…
The rights enshrined within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) are inherent, universal and immutable, and should be…
Dying with Dignity
The Greens (WA) seek to save and preserve life, but we do not believe in forcing people to prolong their lives under conditions of suffering at the end-point of…
Ecological Sustainability
Preamble The resources of our planet are finite. The devaluing and unsustainable exploitation of the natural environment has led to degraded and unstable ecosys…
Western Australia needs an economy that does not rely on unsustainable impacts on the environment and our communities. There is currently a disparity across Wes…
Everyone deserves a quality education, regardless of their background, socioeconomic position and their location. A strong public education system is key to bui…
This policy should be read in conjunction with The Greens (WA) Climate Change Policy. The Greens (WA) are committed to an energy future that produces and uti…
Environmental Protection
Society depends on the ecological resources of the planet, therefore we must protect and maintain the integrity of its ecosystems. Environmental protection is t…
Family & Domestic Violence
The Greens (WA) are committed to eliminating family and domestic violence. Family and Domestic Violence is a significant cause of death, trauma, injury and dist…
First Nations Peoples
The Greens (WA) recognise that the First Nations Peoples of Western Australia are the first sovereign peoples of this place and that they lived on this land acc…
Current methods for producing food in Western Australia are heavily reliant on fossil fuels, and are putting pressure on already degraded landscapes, risking bo…
Forests & Woodlands
The Greens (WA) recognise the intrinsic value and unique natural beauty of Western Australia’s native forests and woodlands, which are rich in biodiversity and …
Fossil Fuel Extraction
Climate change must be a central consideration in the management of Australia's natural resources. The overwhelming scientific evidence of human-induced global …
Genetic Modification
The precautionary principle* must be applied to the production and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Transgenic and animal genetic engineering pose …
Timely access to a comprehensive, high quality health care system is a basic human right, and health services should be publicly funded. Governments are respons…
Western Australia has a diverse and rich natural and cultural heritage that gives us a sense of place, shapes our identity and contributes to our wellbeing. Fir…
Housing and Homelessness
Housing is a basic human right. It has a significant influence on people's health and wellbeing. State Governments need to ensure that everyone’s housing needs …
All people have the right to safety, peace and freedom from violence. Investment in community engagement and early intervention should be prioritised over puni…
Equality for LGBTQIA+ people is integral to their lived experiences as citizens and members of the community. In addition, counteracting the trans-exclusionary …
Local Government
The Greens (WA) acknowledge the valuable role of Local Governments as the tier of government closest to their communities.Their obligations to provide community…
Manufacturing & Industry
A diverse industry and manufacturing sector is vital in rebuilding a resilient and more sustainable Western Australian economy. Modernising and rebuilding the s…
Marine & Coastal
The coastal and marine zone of Western Australia comprises an interplay of ecosystems and dynamic coastal processes. Many reef, sea grass, and mangrove ecosyste…
Mental Health
Positive mental health depends on the social, political, economic, cultural and physical aspects of life. The lived experience of mental or emotional distress o…
Nuclear Issues
Nuclear power is not a safe, clean, timely, economically viable or practical solution to the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. Alternatives to nuclear energy…
Open & Honest Democracy
Integrity, accountability and transparency of governments, parliamentarians and civil servants are vital to a healthy democracy. Lack of transparency creates th…
Participatory Democracy
Preamble The Greens (WA) seek to radically expand the democratic processes and institutions of our society. We believe that people have a fundamental right a…
Peace & Nonviolence
Preamble The Greens (WA) seek a just and peaceful world, free of war and violence. We reject violence and call for nonviolence to be established as a core princ…
Cities and towns can be designed and built to minimise environmental harm and maximise social well-being. New residential developments must be environmentally s…
Plantations & Farm Forestry
Plantations and farm forestry can potentially meet all of Western Australia's timber needs, while delivering multiple social, economic and environmental benefit…
Public Sector
The Western Australian public sector plays a crucial role in building a society that works for everyone. The public sector of Western Australia must be empowere…
Western Australia's population is highly centralised, and the regions are often sparsely populated. Despite the significant revenue generated in the regions thr…
Resource Mining
The Greens (WA) recognise the value of many mining commodities in resourcing contemporary society and that the mining sector currently forms the backbone of man…
People should be able to age with dignity, be free from discrimination and have equal rights to participate in every aspect of life. They should be entitled to …
Sex Work
Sex work refers to all forms of erotic labour performed for payment or reward. It is a legitimate form of labour that should be decriminalised. The agency of se…
Small Business
Small business is Western Australia's largest employer and is vital to the economic future due to its contribution to job creation, innovation, training, and pa…
Social Justice
Preamble Social justice requires ecological and economic sustainability, real democracy, peace and nonviolence and a respect for the earth. The Greens (WA) b…
Western Australia should have a diverse, reliable and environmentally sustainable transportation network that meets the needs of commuters and freight, and move…
Urban Bushland & Tree Canopy
Urban bushland is remnant bush remaining in the built up areas of our towns and cities and in areas influenced by, or likely to be influenced by, urbanisation. …
Water is essential for human life and its provision should be reliable, responsible and provide efficient access to clean water in a way that is responsive to c…
The many and varied wetlands across the vast landscape of our State provide biodiversity oases and are integral to our ancient cultural and natural heritage. Th…
Women are equal members of the community and must be treated as such. However, women are subjected to systemic disadvantage and oppression. Women have the right…
Workplace Relations
Work should be rewarding, enriching and the basis of our families’, communities’ and state’s welfare and prosperity. Workplace laws must be fair and protect …
Young people are our future and are valuable members of society. They should be recognised and respected for the important perspective they contribute and be we…