Donations Policy

The Greens (WA)'s internal policy for donations and loans.

The Greens (WA) as a party committed to enhancing Australia’s democratic process, will pursue the model of publicly funded elections at all levels of government. Publicly funded elections would promote more equitable access and reduce the risk of corruption through donations.

In the current situation where donations, including gifts-in-kind as defined by the Australian Electoral Commission, are used by parties throughout the political cycle, The Greens (WA), using transparent practices, will accept donations, subject to ethical review.

This by-law relates to donations from individuals and from legal entities.

In accordance with the above The Greens (WA) will –

  1. Review and Acceptance of Donations & Loans
    • The Greens (WA) Donation Reference Group (DRG) will review:
      • The donations or loan of a supporter or member, when they have donated $1,500 or more within a financial year.
      • All donations or loans from non-individuals.
      • Any donation or loans referred to the DRG for consideration.
    • The Greens (WA) can refuse any donation or loan at any time.
  2. When a Donation is referred to DRG they will consider whether
    • The values and aspirations of the donor is consistent with the policies and the Four Pillars of The Greens (WA);
    • The donation or loan supports the aims of The Greens (WA); and
    • If accepting the donation or loan gives rise to or is likely to give rise to a conflict of interest.
  3. Directed Donations
    • Donations & loans will go towards meeting the needs of The Greens (WA).
    • The supporters working group and election campaign committee may enter into agreements with donors about expenditure in accordance with campaign or Party priorities.
    • Elected representatives, preselected candidates and Greens members may solicit for donations on behalf of the party. They may not personally solicit for, or personally accept, any donations or loans.
  4. Declined Donations or Loans
    • Donations or loans declined as a result of this policy will be returned to the donor at the earliest opportunity.
    • The DRG or The Greens (WA) are not obliged to provide an explanation for its decision.
  5. Transparency:
    • Donations and loans will be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission or Western Australian Electoral Commission (as required by legislation). Single, or sum, of donations that total $1,500 or more are disclosed by The Greens (WA).
    • The Greens (WA) will inform donors that donations of $1,500 or more will be disclosed to the WA and Australian Electoral Commission.
  6. Definition
    • Conflict of Interest - Conflict of interest occurs when an individual or a corporation (either private or governmental) is in a position to exploit their own professional or official capacity in some way for personal or corporate benefit.
    • Donation - A Donation includes a gift of money or the provision of a “gift in kind” (either the transfer of property, or the provision of services in return for no or inadequate payment). It does not include volunteer labour; nor does it include expenditure by an individual outside of the scope of an approved budget.
    • Loans – A loan from a member or supporter of The Greens (WA). All loans are provided interest-free unless otherwise agreed.
    • Member – A financial member of The Greens (WA).
    • Non-Individuals – includes corporations, unions, associations, trusts, partnerships and other legal entities.
    • Supporter – A supporter is someone who has donated to or volunteered for The Greens (WA) who is not a current member of The Greens (WA).