We demand the Government of Western Australia implement all of the the recommendations of The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) and The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (UN Mandela Rules).
RCIADIC and its 339 recommendations are just as relevant today as they were 34 years ago, but the Government has refused to implement them in good faith.
Australia is a signatory to the UN Mandela Rules and falls short of these international standards.
We demand that all of the RCIADIC recommendations and UN Mandela Rules be implemented, and that the following be enacted immediately:
- RCIADIC Recommendation 150, UN Mandela Rule 24: provide comprehensive, trauma informed treatment for mental health and addiction in all prisons and youth justice institutions. PBS and Medicare rights restored to all prisoners and youth detainees.
- RCIADIC Recommendation 287: culturally appropriate addiction healing centres on Country, offering comprehensive treatments.
- RCIADIC Recommendation 72: families and children to be in culturally appropriate education and there shall be comprehensive treatment for developmental delay, FASD, ADHD, and access to a culturally appropriate NDIS. That transgenerational trauma be considered a medical condition, and prioritise trauma-informed care.
- UN Mandela Rule 104: all prisoners offered education and meaningful employment while incarcerated to help with rehabilitation and reintegration.
- UN Mandela Rule 105: that all prisoners be offered housing and employment on release. We want more social housing and an end to homelessness. With camping grounds overseen by Elders.
- RCIADIC Recommendation 1: that implementation of recommendations be done in a public way to increase education and awareness.
- RCIADIC Recommendation 2: that each State and Territory set up a justice committee to implement, liaise, and advise in regards to the RCIADIC and UN Mandela Rules.
- Close down Unit 18, the youth detention centre at Casuarina adult prison.