Diane Evers’ October Update


Hon Diane Evers

Now that Ive found my feet in the Parliamentary Office and my voice in Parliament House I am body and soul into this position and really loving it!

In recent weeks my team and I have initiated “I want to hear from you” campaign and have been listening to you, our members, supporters and the voices of our community. Weve spoken with you about planning developments, waste water treatment, lithium mining, commercial waste management, some incredible regenerative and renewable agricultural practices, soil management, marriage equality, bush foods, penguins and shearwater birds, cycling, fire safety, marine fuels, shark deterrents, deforestation, die back … the list goes on!

Below Ive tried to give a summary of what Ive been doing on some of the key portfolio items, but it by no means represents it all and in line with this community campaign if you want to know more or have an issue you feel needs representing I want to hear from you!

Forests: Saving Barrabup, Challenging Changes to the Old Growth Classification & Joining the fight against Dieback

The big ticket item that kicked off this period was the Save Barrabup Rally on the steps of Parliament House with a fantastic show of Nannup community members and supporters arriving to table their petition calling on the Environment Minister to classify the Barrabup Forest as a High Value Conservation Forest and end logging in the area.

With hundreds of you attending on the day and more than 3,000 signatures on the petition the rally shone a spotlight on this very important subject. I was very pleased to table the petition to the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs for consideration.

The ensuing Government report confirmed that the Forest Products Commission had failed to notice old growth forest at Barrabup before illegally bulldozing some of it in preparation for logging.

While confirming that 43 ha of the Barrabup jarrah coupe is old growth forest, the report actually raised further concerns about how the Government is managing our native forests. The 43 ha is less than 10 per cent of the total area proposed to be logged, and much less than what the community expected the report to show.

The campaign to save Barrabup forest from logging has always been about more than just the old growth components of the forest. Barrabup is a clear example of a high conservation value forest, containing important habitat for threatened species, diverse vegetation and enormous community, heritage, recreational and tourism value.

The ALP campaigned in the state election on a promise to 'immediately protect all high conservation value forests – yet they seem ready to break this promise at the very first test. I will continue to hold this Government to account and campaign to save Barrabup.

Further, it appears the Government recently changed the definition of 'old growth, without any community oversight or consultation. Strong criticism of these changes was made public in embarrassing inter-departmental communication records which I was able to obtain through Parliamentary process. I will be investigating this matter as an urgent priority.

On a lighter but equally serious note; it was my recent honour to open the WA Dieback Information Group (DIG) Conference in September. Dieback is an issue close to my heart, as in 2006, I worked with South Coast NRM when we received substantial funding to research dieback along with the installation of many boot cleaning stations and phosphate trials. In the time since, I have watched and waited to see if a response could be found that would stop the spread of dieback. It was fantastic to join my voice with those of researchers and scientists dedicating themselves to protecting our precious WA ecology from the threat of this deadly pathogen.

Finance: State Budget and Estimates Hearings

As the Finance spokesperson for WA Greens and as an accountant I was eagerly anticipating the new Governments 2017-18 budget and the opportunity to analyse, review and debate it in the interests of our community. Over the last two months my team and I have been analysing the budget line by line and asking many questions of the Government through the state estimates process. Ive been particularly interested in the number of permanent government jobs in the Southwest Region and how these have been slowly eroded over time. Ive also made enquires about PCYCs, Community Resource Centres and a number of effected regional projects across the state.

Ive drawn attention to the different accounting terminology in use for Government Departments (like Main Roads) compared to Government Non-Financial Corporations (such as the Public Transport Authority). The variance in terminology puts departments like the Public Transport Authority at a significant disadvantage in the public eye and the Under Treasurer has agreed to look into it.

 Marine: Sharks, Penguins and Shearwaters

Following on from my last update after the Senate inquiry into shark hazard management I have been looking into the effectiveness of prevention strategies including the personal shark deterrent rebate program. From what weve seen young people in regional areas have had a very low uptake of the rebate and Im keen to identify if this is due to awareness, price, suitability, culture or other factors.

Ive also heard from you and your concerns around the death of penguins and shearwater birds and have been asking the hard questions of the Government to ensure the safety of our precious marine life in the context of large development proposals, climate change and over-fishing.

Food, Tourism & Small Business: Glorious Bush Food!

Its no secret that I am in love with the latest bush food trend. I was honoured to dine with guests at a Fervor bush foods degustation dinner in late August. The group works with indigenous leaders in a culturally engaged way to offer degustation dinners which showcase uniquely Australian and local bush foods. I believe the bush foods movement is an incredible opportunity for indigenous groups and small business agriculture and tourism in regional WA and am putting my support behind this amazing and fast growing industry.

I was delighted to cut my first ribbon as a Member of Parliament recently to launch the healthy, local and sustainable Culcha Kitchen mobile food van in Albany. They are also collaborating with the very groovy team at the Wilson Brewing Company, yet another amazing and environmentally conscious small business thats new and booming in the Great Southern.

I was pleased to see fines of $750,000 plus $300,000 in court costs awarded by the Federal Court against Snowdale Holdings announced recently which sends a very clear message across the industry that deception over free range labelling is not acceptable. Snowdale Holdings have duped Australian consumers for many years by producing eggs that did not meet free range standards. The WA Greens have long supported truth in labelling and for Australian consumers to have information that they need for their purchasing decisions. As well as consumers, Im keen to support small farming enterprises in WA to profit from their hard work and dedication to ethical farming practices.

In the next few months Ill be looking to speak more with sustainable and regenerative farmers and producers about how I can represent their interests and support their small business to thrive in the Southwest and across our state. If you are one of these people Id love to hear from you! (Southwest.evers@mp.wa.gov.au)

I recently spoke with Samsta and Jamahl on Noongar Radio when I had some footy tickets to give away. They run a great morning program to get me started in the morning. I wanted to share the news of whats happening in Parliament, and give them a voice on issues such as indigenous small business, tourism and involvement in community sport.

Electorate Issues: Planning Approvals and Local Issues

My office has been grateful to hear from you and the Southwest community on a number of issues regarding planning approvals processes and concerns. I was very pleased to assist the PUMA2GO community group in Dunsborough in opposing the building of a petrol station that is against the wishes of the local community.

Ive been working with concerned members of the community to address concerns around the Mangles Bay Inland Marina and Housing Estate in Point Person. This included drawing the Minister for Environments attention to the work of the Peron Naturaliste Partnership into the vulnerability of Mangles Bay and the impacts of climate change.

Ive also been engaged in discussions around developments in Albany, potable water supply in Northcliffe, waste water recycling in Denmark, construction waste management in Busselton as well as ALCOAs recent bauxite mining and export operations.

Team Diane

Working with me every day is a team of amazing staff in my office in West Perth. Working with just two full-time employees I have employed six part-time staff; Margaret Gollagher, Eloise Dortch, Richelle Preisser, Jack Hicken, Connor Slight and Nadia Adams who share the duties of Research and Electorate Officers as well as managing media, parliamentary questions, events management, social media and much more!

Currently we are located at 7 Harvest Terrace in West Perth however the Department of Premier and Cabinet have advised that this is only temporary and we await clarity on our more long term office (hopefully) very soon! We are available to contact Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm should you wish to get in touch on any matter, via southwest.evers@mp.wa.gov.au or phone 9486 8070. Wed love to hear from you.

Photo: The Save Barrabup Rally on the steps of Parliament House. Richelle Priesser