Dorinda Cox’s August Update


Balance of Power in action and a landmark on-Country court case

By Senator Dorinda Cox

It has been a busy few months!

The 47th parliament sat for the first time, welcoming three new Greens Senators and three new Greens MPs.

I was privileged to be put forward by the Party Room for Senate President; congratulations to fellow WA Senator, Sue Lines, for becoming President.

The importance of our balance of power in the Senate was on full display when Labor put forward their Climate Change Bill 2022. The Greens were able to secure crucial amendments to improve the Bill before it comes to the Senate in the next sitting fortnight in September.

Along with Victorian Senator Lydia Thorpe, I referred an inquiry into murdered and missing First Nations women and children to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee.

I was fortunate enough to be invited by Tiwi Island Traditional Owners to observe their landmark case against NOPSEMA and their approval of the Santos gas project. Evidence was presented on-Country through song, dance, artwork and ceremony, demonstrating the Munupi’s connection to Country and Sea Country.

The case has highlighted the importance of on-Country evidence, and again demonstrated the need for free, prior and informed consent for Traditional Owners when negotiating with resource companies. The sooner we implement the United Nations Declaration for the Rights of First Nations Peoples (UNDRIP) the better!

Oxfam’s Straight Talk program was a great success, and it was a privilege to co-host the event alongside Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Linda Burney.

I have also been busy protesting for reproductive rights, celebrating NAIDOC week, and engaging with numerous stakeholders during science week.

If you have any questions or issues you would like to raise with my office please reach out to my office via email

In solidarity,


  • Member: Joint Committee for Treaties, and Joint Committee for Trade and Investment Growth
  • Participating member: Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs

Header photo: Senator Cox with a group of Munupi people of the Tiwi Islands.