
Seven burning questions about a Green New Deal

By Senator Jordon Steele-John

I’m sure you’ve heard of a Green New Deal (GND), particularly from our new parliamentary leader Adam Bandt, but what does it all mean? Over the last couple of months I’ve been fielding a lot of questions from people who want to know more about this process we’re undertaking together. So, here’s the 7 most burning questions people have asked me about a Green New Deal!

What’s a ‘Green New Deal?

In a global context ‘Green New Deal’ is an umbrella term that encapsulates a variety of aspirational goals and bold plans put forward by politicians and activist groups to solve the world’s most critical environmental, social and economic problems. Central to the idea of a GND is the involvement of the community in finding transformative solutions that recognises the interconnected nature of our climate, economic and social crises.

Isn’t a ‘Green New Deal’ an American thing?

Not necessarily! It’s been around for more than a decade and, in fact, the Australian Greens held a National Conference to talk about it way back in 2009! However, it has recently risen to prominence because US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey introduced their Green New Deal resolution to Congress at the beginning of 2019, with vigorous support from the youth-led organisation the  Sunrise Movement. The GND is now a key part of Bernie Sanders US presidential campaign, has been championed by community organisations in Canada and has been adopted by the European Union. 

I’ve heard Adam Bandt talk about Green New Deal recently ‒ what is he on about?

Late last year the Australian Greens committed to developing a GND for Australia, guided by these four principles:

  • A fair future is one where the economy serves people and the planet so we can all enjoy a good life, a safe climate and a healthy environment. 
  • It will take significant and urgent government investment to create the scale and speed of change that we need.
  • Government has a responsibility to ensure this transition is inclusive, delivers climate justice and ensures no one is left behind. 
  • We will be successful if we build the vision together.

Adam has put forward some ideas about what some of the solutions might look like, but now we here in WA have the opportunity to contribute our ideas to this process and to bring in voices from across our community. To do this we’re holding workshops across WA over the coming months, so watch this space!

Don’t the Greens already have great policies on the environment and people? 

Yes, we do! The Green New Deal is about bringing together people who are worried about the climate crisis and rising inequality, and putting them at the heart of the process.

How are we going to pay for it?

A big part of the Green New Deal is a reallocation of resources. Specifically, we want to cut defence spending and make sure that the big corporations who are profiting from the climate crisis and perpetuating inequality pay their fair share of tax. That means we can pay for universal services so that no one is left behind, like free education, dental into medicare, more mental health services and rent control.

What does it mean by a ‘new deal’?

GND movements around the world are bound together by a shared vision of a reforged relationship between the community and decision-makers.

The current status quo, where big corporations donate money to the major parties to protect their profits, is not working. Inequality is rising and we’re not seeing the action we all know that we need to stop the climate crisis.

These movements for a new approach draw their strength from the knowledge that no matter how rich a corporation is or how many politicians they own, when people come together, powered by hope, change is possible. Our Green movement is building that vision, with community, right here in Australia.

Is this a plan for a eco-socialist utopia? 

YES! We need solutions as big as the crises we face and if we all come together, change is possible.

If you’ve got any more questions, please reach out and I hope to see you at one of our upcoming workshops soon!

Header photo: Jordon talking to a young person who reached out on Instagram to talk about Green New Deal.