A Canberra marathon, opposing compulsory independent assessments for the NDIS and some changes to Team SJS
By Senator Jordon Steele-John
My team and I have spent 6 weeks out of the last two months since I last updated Green Issue over in Canberra for Senate Estimates, the Federal Budget and for regular Parliamentary sitting; it’s been hectic!
Due to the fact that I’m a member of the NDIS Joint Standing Committee and we’ve been holding hearings recently looking into the Morrison government’s proposed changes to the NDIS, I spent 5 straight weeks in Canberra between the Federal Budget on the 11 May and the subsequent fortnight of Senate Estimates hearing towards the end of the month. It was an absolute marathon!
The response from the disability community, our support workers, our families and our advocacy organisations has been resolute; we do not support the government’s proposed changes to the NDIS, especially compulsory independent assessments.
This overwhelming opposition has not stopped the government from steaming ahead with their plan to introduce a raft of changes to the NDIS, including compulsory independent assessments, which they want to introduce to Parliament in the August sitting weeks of Parliament. There are even those within the Coalition government who do not support them, including Senator Hollie Hughes and the Member for Monash, Russell Broadbent MP.
The government has been trying to make the case for independent assessments since the Federal Budget, claiming that the NDIS is unsustainable and will blowout to $60 billion over the next decade. The problem is, these numbers don’t add up and they continue to refuse to release the data and assumptions that they’ve based these projections on, preferring instead to rely on fear-mongering and political manipulation.
It won’t work.
A meeting between state and territory disability Ministers ‒ including the ACT Greens own Emma Davidson ‒ is taking place in Canberra on July 9th and I’m hopeful that they will support the disabled community and reject the Morrison Government’s attempt to kick people off our NDIS.

Finally, there are some really significant staff changes that have taken place in my office over the last month or so!
First of all, after more than 3 decades of service to our Greens movement, the wonderful Trish Cowcher is retiring as my Chief of Staff. She has worked for Jo Vallentine, Giz Watson and Scott Ludlam before me, not to mention the many thousands of hours she has dedicated in volunteering to the party. I wouldn’t be where I am today without Trish’ incredible experience; I have learnt so much from her in the 4 years that we have worked together. Her warmth and compassion have never failed to light up my office and her presence here will be sorely missed. From Team JSJ we all hope that you have a fantastic, relaxing and well-earned retirement!
Tim Oliver, who has been my Communications and Media Adviser for the last 4 years, is also parting ways with Team JSJ. Tim has been regularly travelling with me to and from Canberra for parliamentary sitting weeks and has done an awesome job in helping to build the profile of our movement. Prior to joining me, Tim worked for Robin Chapple and we wish him all the best in his new role at the West Australian Council of Social Services!
Our former State Director, Sophie Greer, has joined my team as my new Chief of Staff and Communications Adviser, and Kim Smith, who was our Mining and Pastoral candidate at the State Election is my new Office Manager. I’m so looking forward to working with Sophie and Kim, and the rest of my team, as we continue to grow our movement towards the Federal Election!
Header photo: Jordon getting his second dose of Pfizer vaccine. Tracey Steele-John