
Refugee Rights Action Network (RRAN) is a grass-roots activist and advocacy group based in Perth and Fremantle

By the RRAN Team

RRAN acknowledges that the land we work on was never ceded and that there is a strong connection between the campaigns for refugee rights and justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We aim to increase media and comYongah Hill Demomunity awareness of refugee and asylum seeker rights and issues, fight for a just refugee policy and for Australia to meet its international obligations. We endeavour to amplify the voices of those with lived experience. Some members provide practical support to people held in immigration detention in Australia and offshore. This includes facilitating access to communications, and connecting people to legal and social support.

RRAN’s current priorities are:

  • End mandatory and indefinite detention, and offshore processing
  • Abolish the ‘fast-track’ refugee assessment process and temporary visas, and reinstate permanent protection visas
  • Allow people seeking asylum access to income support, and full work/study rights
  • Cease boat turn backs
  • Prevent deportations of asylum seekers back to danger
  • Oppose the repeal of the Medevac Bill
  • Support other campaigns in our region (such as those led by asylum seekers and refugees in Indonesia) through social media

RRAN street protestRRAN engages in various activities including street protests, direct actions and responses, community outreach such as forums, stalls, letter writing, petitioning, media campaigns, artistic performances, literary events and exhibitions.

RRAN collaborates with various other refugee support organisations and liaises with equivalent activist groups in other states to hold national actions and campaigns. Our campaigning is also closely linked to opposing racism and xenophobia and to other human rights campaigns.

As a not-for-profit informal group, RRAN is totally dependent on volunteers. If you would like to get involved or support RRAN’s activities, please contact:

Perth – info@rran.org  FB rran.org.   Fremantle rranfremantle@gmail.com FB RRANfremantle

Header photo: Remembering Reza Bharati (4 years on): 17 February 2018. KIKEI [DOT] NET PHOTOGRAPHY

[Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not official policy of Greens WA]