Tim Clifford’s August Update

The conflict between Government debt and economic stress, consultation in city planning and further threats to dwindling wetlands.


By Hon. Tim Clifford, MLC for East Metropolitan

Small Actions Count!

Dollars and sense! The Government has consistently bemoaned the debt levels inherited from the previous government and have put in place budget cuts. The Government’s mantra of high level debt appears to be covering over some real concerns around the situation for those in our society who are themselves in economic stress. For example, we have seen the Government increase power costs for everyone regardless and this has left some in our communities struggling to pay these increasing bills. Engaging in the Estimates and Budget process has proven to be a tangible and effective way of keeping the Government to account. I asked a number of questions on notice and participated in Estimates hearings. In this Estimates, I focussed on transport, energy, games industry, public transport and main roads.

After asking questions in Estimates on the allocation of funding for the games industry, the Government announced it will dedicate funding toward this growing industry. While that is pleasing, I will continue to talk with industry and monitor the effectiveness of the program. The games industry has a huge potential in growing jobs and creative product for WA.

On the local front, I have continued to support the Midland Oval campaign. While many readers might look at the site and wonder why on earth we care so much about an area of lawn; the principles behind this fight are galling. 

There is a strong and large section of the community who remain disappointed by the lack of consultation when it comes to planning in their city; and ultimately the lack of foresight shown by the City of Swan. The community value their city and they simply want to see a redevelopment that includes a functional and pleasant amenity that is a decent size public open space area. Sometimes a community just needs someone to stand up and say ‘this isn’t right’ and this is enough to give them courage to continue to fight. This is indeed what happened when the threat of bulldozers brought the community together on the Midland oval. A group of diverse community members came together and blockaded the oval by setting up tents. These people are upstanding citizens, including the Local member of Kalamunda, a Methodist priest and a management consultant as well as ‘everyday’ regular citizens.

The Midland Oval issue means more than just this one campaign, it goes to the heart of my approach. Localising issues that relate to my portfolios is fundamental to my approach. Localising issues allows me to address broader issues across the state, it provides important context and real life examples of policy failures that can be addressed through implementation of Greens policies. Through this campaign we have put developers and local government notice and in the process earned the respect and gratitude of the local community.

The Midland Oval issue has contributed to broader local government reforms, by shining light on the Midland oval as an issue it has highlighted to the Local Government Minister some very real concerns. It also relates to our urban bushland, planning and transport portfolios. 

Our wetlands are precious commodities and like many a Greens member before me, I am proud to stand up and fight for these areas. Tim Clifford wetlandsThe Friends of Brixton Street Wetlands group may be one of the oldest (if not the oldest) Friends groups in Perth and I was proud to stand alongside them and a growing community of concerned citizens to shed light on an important issue in my electorate. In an area bordering the Brixton Street wetlands a development is proceeding that will put at risk the surrounding wetlands and which, if permitted to proceed, will destroy roost habitat for the Forest Red Tailed Black Cockatoo. A new and active group, Save the Great Brixton Wetlands, has been established, headed up by Paddy Cullen (of Sea Shepard and Oxfam fame) and has hit the ground running. If you would like to help out with this campaign please sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/SaveKenwicksBlackCockatoos/

Header photo: A Save the Wetlands demo. Photo credit: Alison Wright

Text photo: Tim discussing with Cate Tauss, Biologist and Beeliar Group member. Photo credit: Alison Wright