All you need is love


Some thoughts relevant to Banksia Hill

By Beverley Dight, Green Issue Co-editor

It has been found that without being loved as a child, people are not able to love. Without love in their heart some children and adolescents, in their anger, hurt and frustration turn to violence and crime.

To heal such children who have gone astray "all you need is love". Treat them with loving kindness. Bring out the love hidden in their hearts through our four-footed friends and music. Give them the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument, and encourage them to sing in a choir.

Take them to the great outdoors, where during the day they learn the secrets of nature from Elders, and in the evening sit together around a campfire, sharing, their hurt and confusion, and why they turned to crime.

Nurture the love within them so it will sprout into flowers of hope that life can be good, and violence and crime are no longer found appealing.

Header photo: The Beatles - "All you need is love". Credit:

[Opinions expressed are those of the author and not official policy of Greens WA]