On 12 January 2017, over one thousand protesters gathered early in the morning to stop the bulldozers at Beeliar Wetlands. That morning, there were 31 arrests made as ordinary citizens took extraordinary actions to halt the needless destruction....
On Sunday, a barbeque was held to remember that powerful turning point in the 2017 state election and prepare to win back the Greens seat of South Metro in 2021.
“Four years on from that momentous day, the Liberal Party still want to build Roe 8, WA Labor has not deleted it from the Metropolitan Region Scheme and the community has growing concerns about the future of the road reserve earmarked for Roe 9,” said Dr Brad Pettitt, Greens Candidate for the South Metropolitan Region.
“While WA Labor announcement last week is a good start, it falls well short of what is needed in the region,” he said.
The Greens want to see the wildlife corridor protected through legislation and funding for the development of the wildlife corridor and cycle link, plus funding for public transport improvements in the region, rather than spending on more roads.
The Greens believe what is needed is:
- Deletion of Roe 8 and Roe 9 from the Metropolitan Region Scheme and preservation of this precious urban bushland
- Investment in public transport upgrades in the south west corridor (currently absent from Metronet) to reduce car dependence and congestion
- Investment in an east-west cycle route along the road reserve to encourage active transport and healthy lifestyle
- Investment in the wildlife corridor
“Despite promises, the WA Labor Government was unable to secure protection for the wetlands during this term of government. To ensure the Beeliar Wetlands are protected for generations to come it is critical that The Greens win back the south metropolitan region, particularly due to the growing concerns in the community that there are plans to build that part of the road along the Beeliar Regional Park in the future,” Dr Pettitt said.
“We have a once in a generation opportunity to preserve intact urban bushland that is home to the majestic Black Cockatoo, shy Bandicoots and stunning wildflowers,” said Sally Marsh, convenor of the Cockburn Community Wildlife Corridor.
“The corridor, which spans between the Beeliar Wetlands and the Indian Ocean, is nestled within the urban environment alongside homes and existing roads providing a vital connection to nature for people in the region,” Ms Marsh added.
“The corridor created by the road reserve also provides an opportunity for an east-west cycling connection in the region, which would encourage people to stay fit and healthy and get out of their cars and onto their bikes in a safe and beautiful environment,” Dr Pettitt said.
“There is a need to address traffic congestion in the region, but we can’t do that by just building more roads.
“The WA Labor Government have no plans to improve public transport within the south west metropolitan region, despite the growing population. To help protect our natural environment from further clearing and climate change, The Greens will spend $60 million each year on expanding and upgrading cycle and pedestrian paths, and significantly upgrade public transport services in the region.”
Greens Transport Policy
Greens Urban Forest Policy
Stories of protests 12 January here and here
Cockburn Community Wildlife Corridor (and recent drone footage)