Brad's Pettitt's October Update


Trying to hold the Government to account on Aboriginal cultural heritage, juvenile detention, the housing crisis, donations reform, climate change action, punishment of environmental protestors and law reform commission recommendations; and, on a positive note, the official launch of Climate Positive Perth

By Hon Brad Pettitt, MLC, Member for South Metropolitan

Since my last update, the Cook Government seems to be intent on continuing the former Premier’s style of governing with as little consultation and debate as it can get away with. We can’t stop their legislation, but they can’t stop us asking questions to support advocates and communities who would otherwise be in the dark about so much of what this government is – and isn’t – doing.

For example, they have recently chosen to proceed – in the week before the Voice referendum –with repealing their botched Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and replace it with a tweaked version of the previous, outdated 1972 act with minimal consultation. I proposed a large number of amendments that would make the bill fairer, more transparent and more respectful of First Nations heritage considerations – they did not get up but let the record show that this government has learned nothing and voted down these amendments in an already traumatic week for First Nations communities.

As last week’s tragic incident at Unit 18 underlines, this facility and Banksia Hill remain human rights catastrophes for the vulnerable kids locked up there, and the State Government needs to explain how it will continue the promised Model of Care reforms. I’m not letting them off the hook for what remains a catastrophically outdated and cruel system that is traumatising those caught up in it.

In all, the last few months have been a hurtful time for many First Nations people and communities. I’d like to reiterate that we stand with you in seeking truth, treaty and justice and however far away it seems this week I am honoured to work towards achieving the aims of the Uluru Statement.

I continue to get hold of social housing waitlist statistics by way of Parliamentary Questions, as the State Government refuses to publish them normally. We remain locked in a dreadful crisis for those facing housing insecurity and homelessness due to indecent rent increases and the wider cost of living crisis – and this government refuses to invest in effective reforms because influential developers don’t want to see them implemented.

Speaking of which, the (very) long-awaited Donations Reform Bill is coming up. It is an improvement to current provisions against dark money in politics, but doesn’t go far enough. I’ll be moving a number of amendments to strengthen the Bill, based on the great work of Alison Xamon MLC in the previous Parliament. The debate is not off to a good start with Labor agreeing to a Coalition amendment to raise the minimum disclosure amount…literally the only amendment they have agreed to in any legislation they have brought on since the last election! It’s not a big amount, but it sets the wrong tone for introducing this vital set of reforms.

The government’s Climate Change Bill is coming up after no public consultation period at all…can this be because, incredibly, it contains no 2030 emissions target and no renewable energy target? It’s both embarrassing and terrifying that as the last State where emissions continue to rise, we also have a government that’s sleepwalking towards complete failure in this critical decade for preventing the worst impacts of climate change. We’re doing all we can to hold up this government’s weakness on climate and I salute everyone in the community who’s doing likewise – our future depends on it.

We’re also facing down a new, outrageous $859 fee that the Department of Mines, Industry and Resources wants to charge for objecting to mining exploration projects.

This means that if you have concerns about an exploration project in your community or in a sensitive environmental or heritage area, the government will slug you close to a thousand dollars for making your voice heard. No other state or territory charges fees anywhere near this high  ̶  in fact most either have no fee or a small administrative charge. This is clearly an attempt to silence communities standing up for their local environments and heritage, after community successes in stopping harmful exploration across WA. You can write a submission telling the Government to back off and respect our right to object by emailing:

It’s been over a year since the Attorney General announced reforms to the Equal Opportunity Act and Gender Reassignment Act in line with Law Reform Commission recommendations. These would include strengthened protections against harassment and vilification, including for trans, gender-diverse and non-binary people without the need for Gender Reassignment Board recognition. The reforms would also finally extend protections against sexual and racial harassment to sections of Parliament and the public service, local government and volunteer groups who were previously not covered. This is all incredibly overdue and we’re really concerned that the State Government is leaving it too late to get these reforms passed and implemented ahead of the next election. We need to push for these reforms to stay on the agenda and I’ll be working toward this – stay tuned.

Many in our community have also been touched by the tragic events in Palestine and Israel and I extend my sympathies to those who have lost friends and loved ones. As ever, the Greens reject all forms of violence, especially the targeting of civilians by all sides and the forced displacement of Palestinian civilians. Surely the last 74 years have taught us that there is no military solution to this conflict; the goal of all parties must be a just and lasting peace for all inhabitants of the region.

On a positive note, Climate Positive Perth is live! We launched our Climate Positive Perth draft consultation report to a packed house last week and you can now read it and provide feedback. The draft report sets out a comprehensive vision of how we can decarbonise our city through improvements to our planning and housing, energy systems, transport and tree coverage. Ahead of producing the final report next year, we’d love your thoughts 👉

Header photo: At the launch of Climate Positive Perth on 5th October.