
By The Green Issue Editors

In a time of increasing economic challenges, especially for those at the lower end of the wealth spectrum, the federal budget offers a means of remediation. We include an overview of those challenges but are dubious as to whether the May budget will reasonably address them. A spanner in the financial works of this budget is the recent commitment to AUKUS. We describe the folly of this sacrifice of our sovereignty, and a sizeable chunk of our wealth, to the USA. Especially so, in view of increasing levels of homelessness, rental and mortgage stress and wealth inequality, and decreasing access to basic social services (due to lack of funding!).

Another perplexing debate now raging concerns the referendum for a Voice to parliament – instead of becoming a vehicle for long overdue racial reconciliation it seems to be igniting the flames of racial division.

The Greens certainly have no shortage of issues to campaign about. But how exactly should we go about it? We include an article with some suggestions in this regard.

Over the last two months our Greens MPs have obviously been working overtime. It is simply difficult to condense, yet comprehensively display, the range of activities that have consumed Dorinda, Jordon and Brad.

Landing page photo: Doorknockers ready to go at the public housing and rental justice Fremantle doorknock of 18th March. Hana Arai