Green Issue Editorial August 2024


Increasing numbers of Independents are being elected to parliaments, mainly the Federal Parliament. In this issue we explore the pros and cons of this, in relation to future electoral prospects of The Greens, a formal political party. A case in point is the Teal Independents, not a political party as such but a grouping of like-minded persons dissatisfied with traditional conservative politics. On the one hand their presence makes for a more healthy democracy but on the other to what extent do they assign The Greens to being a party of protest, forever consigned to the fringe?

Then there is the argument that the Teal Independents aren’t breaking new ground but merely following the Greens model of ‘doing politics differently.’ Then again, increased numbers of Teal-like independents in the lower house could contribute to boosting the Greens vote in State and Federal upper houses, as they are less likely to preference Labor or the Coalition.

Turning to global issues, it is becoming ever more apparent that human exploitation of the planet’s natural resources is simply unsustainable. Warnings in this regard have been around for more than 50 years (e.g. The Limits to Growth) but really from about NOW we need to get serious about taking the actions required for planetary, and human, sustainability.

One such action is prompted by the ongoing housing crisis, not only in Australia but globally. That is, to consider the concept of tiny houses, which confronts the problem of excess consumerism.

Another seemingly intractable global issue is ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Over the past year this has manifested itself as the war-cum-genocide-cum-ethnic cleansing in Gaza. We have an update on this.

And nuclear threats keep hanging over our heads. After decades of Australia avoiding them it is queried as to why the country now seems so keen to plunge into them.

We also include Green Issue updates from our MPs Dorinda Cox, Jordon Steele-John and Brad Pettitt.

Header Photo: Green-winged teal (Anas carolinensis), a type of duck endemic to the northern hemisphere. Credit: Mick Thompson

[Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not official policy of Greens WA]