Jordon Steele-John’s December Update


Reacting to the tragedy across Israel, Palestine and Lebanon, and pushing for implementation of recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission and the Senate Enquiry into ADHD care

 By Senator Jordon Steele-John


It’s been a massive few months since I’ve last had the opportunity to talk to you and an even bigger year.

I want to start out by addressing the tragedy that is currently unfolding across Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. Over 20,000 people have lost their lives, millions have been displaced and shortages of essential supplies in Gaza are causing a humanitarian catastrophe on a scale unfathomable to most of our community.

I think it is more important than ever that we support each other in this community. We call out Islamophobia and Antisemitism wherever we see it and work toward a just and lasting peace.

The Greens parliamentary team have spent the last month bringing the people’s protest for peace into parliament. We condemned the actions of Hamas on October 7th and called for the release of all hostages and political prisoners; we have called for a permanent ceasefire, an end to the State of Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and to stop committing the crime of Apartheid.

The State of Israel’s continued siege, indiscriminate bombing and lack of regard for civilians is a war crime and Australia must end its continued defence exports to any country that is committing war crimes.

The last three months have also seen the release of the Disability Royal Commission's report. It was a watershed moment for our disability community and confirmed what so many of us know first hand. The systems designed to support us are so often broken and made to hurt us further.

I’m so proud of everyone in our community who gave evidence, helped make the commission a reality and pushed for reform. There is still much work to be done and some of the recommendations in the report don’t go nearly far enough. I will be with our community in 2024 pushing the Albanese government to take up the recommendations.

The Senate concluded its inquiry into the provision of ADHD care in Australia. For the first time, it indicates a willingness by our decision-makers to address the barriers to ADHD care in this country – like lengthy wait times, high costs and poor experiences with medical professionals – as well as an openness to centring people with lived experience in that process.

The Australian Government now has a roadmap of tangible, and implementable recommendations that would improve the lives of ADHDers including bringing down the cost of appointments, reducing wait times and standardising access to medication across the country.

My excitement is tempered by the disappointment that the Labor and Liberal parties failed to include the full breadth of their demands in the final recommendations. It is clear the community want a coordinated response and they want greater supports, including through the NDIS

 I am incredibly proud of what the Greens and the incredible ADHD community have achieved together, and I urge the Albanese Government to do the right thing and implement the recommendations as a matter of urgency.

2024 is shaping up to be a massive year. We will continue the progress on everything I’ve talked about here but we need to keep pushing on real climate action, housing affordability and support for people who are getting dragged under by an out of control rise in the cost of living.

Thanks so much for your continued support of our movement, and if you’d like to get in touch please reach out anytime.
