$110 million Kwinana live export spend better used on northern abattoirs


The Greens WA have today said the $110 million pledged by the Liberal Party to expand live exports to Kwinana would be better spent developing Northern Abattoirs.

Member for South Metropolitan Region Lynn MacLaren MLC said yesterday’s announcement was pitched to earn favour from shooters, fishers and farmers in the Liberal Party’s desperate bid for minor party preferences.

“The lack of transparency from the Barnett Government astounds me,” Ms MacLaren said.

“The Premier has been in closed-door negotiations with James Price Pty Ltd for years since the latter took the State government to court over port facilities at James Point.

“Now the Liberal Party is trying to appease the party they fought in court, with $110 million of taxpayers’ money.

“The Greens oppose live exports and have proposed an alternative packaged meat trade which could create many jobs in rural areas.” 

Related campaign:  Transition from live exports