$730 million war chest


I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that

The Senate –

  1. notes:
    1. the Government’s recent announcement that it plans to spend $730 million on the Next Generation Technologies Fund, which has been touted as a “war chest” to help create “super troops” in the Australian Defence Force;
    2. the Government’s cognitive dissonance in committing nearly three quarters of a billion dollars to defence flights of fancy while maintaining the mantra that Australia needs to “live within its means”;
    3. the Government’s cuts to schools, hospitals and investments in public infrastructure, and its proposed cuts to Australia’s social safety net;
  2. Calls on the Australian Government to:
    1. Spend $730 million on schools, hospitals and public infrastructure, as well as protecting and enhancing Australia’s social safety net, rather than a slush fund for unnecessary and wasteful military spending.

Senator Scott Ludlam

Australian Greens

Motion Defence and Veterans Affairs