Aboriginal funding barely budges as Government fails to act on Close the Gap rhetoric


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people got just one mention in Treasurer Scott Morrison’s budget speech and only marginally increased funding to Close the Gap, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“Scott Morrison used the word ‘indigenous’ just once in his budget speech and that’s a pretty accurate reflection of the attention Aboriginal people got in the budget papers.

“Apart from a $10.5 million increase to provide more services for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, funding for the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) has not increased.

“$10.5 million is a drop in the ocean, we urgently need the Government to reinstate the half a billion in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples funding that was ripped out in the 2014/15 budget.

“It remains a national disgrace that Aboriginal life expectancy is shorter than non-indigenous Australians, whilst incarceration rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders continue to climb.

“The rollout of the Indigenous Advancement Strategy combined with those earlier cuts has caused immense stress to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. We need increased funding if we are going to Close the Gap.

“No funding for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Implementation Plan is a slap in the face for closing the gap efforts. It is clear Closing the Gap is just rhetoric to the Prime Minister.

“PM Turnbull and Treasurer Morrison could have done the right thing and moved to Close the Gap by significantly increasing the IAS funding. They have failed to do that with this budget”.