Adjustments to aged care cuts a step in the right direction but changes must go to a senate inquiry: Greens


Although proposed changes to aged care funding are a step in the right direction Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has emphasised that we need a senate inquiry to investigate the complicated cuts and most recently proposed changes.
“The bottom line is that the cuts to the aged care funding are really complicated and need investigation. The Greens have repeatedly put forward a motion for the cuts to go to a senate inquiry and repeatedly both Labor and the Coalition have voted against it.
“I hope both the old parties acknowledge that these changes need further scrutiny. Particularly because there is still $1.6 billion in cuts to the aged care sector on the table. This is not loose change and these cuts remain ad hoc.
“The Greens agree that the proposed increased supplement to support remote and rural aged care services is a positive thing but note that huge cuts to the sector still remain.
“We also acknowledge that the Government has done the right thing in stepping back on proposed cuts to funding for pain management and physiotherapy, which is essential areas of care for ageing Australians.
“The Greens remain concerned about the impact of cuts to funding to aged care”. 

Media ReleaseFamily, Ageing, Community and Disability Services