Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners response to the National Radioactive Waste dump


I thank the chamber. Despite everything that Senator Ryan has said, the Adnyamathanha mob—the traditional owners of that area—and the community more broadly are not interested in further conversation. They are not interested in being consulted at. They are not interested in the box-ticking exercise that appears to be unfolding here. There is a very serious challenge before the minister now if he is to be taken at his word that this would not be a non-consent proposal. The views of the community, particularly those who have been custodians of that country for tens of thousands of years, must be listened to on this issue. They are not interested. They have months and months of so-called accurate information from the Commonwealth government. Their right to say no must be respected and upheld, and there is no reason at all for this nomination to proceed any further. I hope that I have the support of the chamber in this important vote.

NOTICE OF MOTION           2 May 2016                                                                                     
I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that -
The Senate -
1.       Notes that
a.       On the 27th of November 2015 the Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners released a statement outlining their opposition to the nomination of Barndioota station to host a National Radioactive Waste facility; the statement details environmental conditions in the area including flooding and yarta ngurra-ngurrandha (earthquakes and tremors) the importance of ground water and many mound springs close to the proposed site
b.       On the 29th of April press releases were issued from three different organisations that represent Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners detailing their opposition to the nomination of Barndioota station
c.       The area is of cultural significance to Adnyamathanha
d.       Yappala was declared an Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) by the Federal Government in 2014
e.       There is extensive archaeological evidence of occupation in the surrounding area
f.        There has been a lack of consultation with Adnyamathanha
2.        Calls on the Government to:
a.       Acknowledge the opposition from Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners
b.       Respect previous commitments on non-imposition and the importance of community consent and remove the Barndioota site as a nominated site