Agency should keep an eye on cost increase but should also move to fix gaps in the NDIS


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today the agency overseeing the rollout of the NDIS is right to keep a close eye on cost but should also focus on other aspects of the NDIS that could be improved moving forward.

“In highlighting potential for an unexpected increase in cost the NDIA are doing their job.

“This is welcome and should be standard practice for a world class national disability scheme of this scale. However there are other issues in the NDIS that need addressing.

“For instance we must ensure the housing needs of people with disability are addressed as the scheme is rolled out.

"A range of secure housing options plays a fundamental role in a person's quality of life and independence. It is unacceptable that people with disability are stuck in inappropriate accommodation, such as institutions.

"If people with disability are unable to find accommodation, then the NDIS won't fully deliver its objectives. The Government must ensure these needs are met.

“There are also concerns that in the shift to the NDIS mainstream services that should be delivering services to people with disability will not adequately deliver those services, and that some broader disability services previously funded by the States will be scaled back or defunded.

“These issues have been raised with Government but action to stop unintentional service delivery gaps remains unclear.

“The Government must address these ongoing issues and we urge the NDIA to keep the Government updated on these issues”.