All local governments should adopt balloon release ban: Greens


Tuesday, 24 October 2017   The WA Greens have called on local governments to adopt similar laws to the Town of Cottesloe regarding the release of helium-filled balloons, given the State Government has no intentions to amend the Litter Act.   Environment Spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC said he was still hopeful that McGowan Labor government would see sense and include amendments to the Litter Act targeting balloon releases when they move to introduce a ban on plastic bags from July 2018.   “We want it to be acknowledged under West Australian Law that when a balloon is released from the hand, it becomes litter,” Mr Chapple said.   “This is what Cottesloe have proposed to do recently within their local jurisdiction, and I applaud them for that move, and others such as Cockburn are considering the move as well.   “I have written to every single City, Town, Council and Shire in Western Australia asking them to consider our fragile marine environments and do the same.   “Every single synthetic latex balloon that has ever been released has come back down to earth where it would have remained intact, or partially intact, for up to 5 years posing a threat to a variety of sea creatures who might see it as a food source.   “It is estimated the volume of plastic waste in our oceans will be greater than sea life by 2050 if we keep consuming and disposing of waste at current rates, and we are already at a point where micro-plastics have entered the food chain of which we participate.   “That’s why we’re calling on local councils across WA to stand up to the State Government and adopt a ban on balloon releases.”   Please find attached copy of the letter sent by Hon Robin Chapple MLC to every local government in Western Australia.   Media contact: Tim Oliver – 0431 9696 25 File attachments:  2017-10-09 Mass Balloon releases Local Governments_#CoPerth.pdf