All MPs must stare down Nationals call to import American gun culture


All members of Parliament in this country must put community safety first and stare down the Nationals call for self-defence to be considered a valid reason to own a gun.

Australia is fortunate enough to have some of the strongest gun laws in the world, allowing access to guns for self-defence would import America’s dangerous gun culture.

Greens  NSW Senator and Gun Control Spokesperson Lee Rhiannon said:

“The Prime Minister needs to grow a spine, stand up to the Nationals and reinforce his government’s commitment to the National Firearms Agreement.

“This is the Nationals playing grubby gun politics while looking to the New England by-election.

“For a cheap headline the Nationals want to take Australia down the American path of guns and more guns.

“Australia has some of the strongest gun laws in the world with low levels of violence and we risk losing that if we allow the gun lobby to push its dangerous agenda.

Gun Control Australia Spokesperson Sam Lee said:

"Dumb and dangerous is the only way to describe this absurd call from Mr Barilaro.

“If Mr. Barilaro were to look at the statistics he would discover that guns kept in the home for self– defence is more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt.

"But what this move tells us is gun laws will be a hot topic at the next NSW State election with the Nationals and Shooters Party fighting to capture the gun lobby vote.

Greens MP and Firearms Spokesperson David Shoebridge said:

“The Nationals want to go down the dangerous path of importing America’s gun culture where self-defence is considered a valid reason to have a gun.

“Australia is an extraordinarily safe country, the response to one tragedy should not be more guns and more violence.

“It is hard to imagine anyone looking to America’s gun laws as something to import. In 2017 alone they have already had 321 mass shootings while Australia has not had one since Port Arthur.

“People deserve laws that will keep them safe and prevent tragedies from occurring, it is the responsibility of our Parliaments to ensure this. 

Media Release Gun Control