Another $330 million for a road that still goes nowhere


Main Roads WA have asked for another $330 million of taxpayer funds for their 'preferred option' of a road that still goes nowhere, the Australian Greens said today.

"The map published in The West today shows the path Main Roads WA want to cut through some of Fremantle's oldest suburbs, but ultimately it just illustrates which residents will be joining the fight at the Beeliar wetlands to stop the freight link all together," Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for WA Scott Ludlam said today.

"Even Colin Barnett has surely seen that this is an appalling idea. Houses would be demolished, yet more residents would be impacted and displaced, and exhaust stacks would spew concentrated exhaust fumes straight into suburbs, all for a road that still doesn't reach a port already set to hit maximum capacity.

"Instead of burying $1.8 billion under the ruins of homes in White Gum Valley, the government should get started on the outer harbour. Even with Fremantle port and the freight link operating at the deliriously optimistic levels projected by Main Roads and the WA government, we'll still need the outer harbour within a decade.

"With costs blowing out on a road that still doesn't reach the port, it's well past time to abandon the freight link," Senator Ludlam said.