The Auditor General should investigate the Commonwealth funding approvals for the Perth Freight Link


NOTICE OF MOTION                                                                          2 February 2016                                                                                            
I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that -
The Senate -
1.       Notes the findings of the federal Auditor General's report that examined approval and administration of federal funding for the East West Link project, including:
a.       the commitment of $3 billion funding went against "clear advice" from the public service that the project hadn't been justified and wasn't ready
b.      neither stage of the project had proceeded fully through processes that have been established to assess the merits of nationally significant infrastructure investments prior to the decision to approve $3 billion in Commonwealth funding
c.       at the time the commitment was made it was not considered to have yet demonstrated strong strategic and economic merit by Infrastructure Australia
d.      the payment came just months after the Coalition promised not to fund infrastructure projects worth more than $100 million without the publication of a proper cost-benefit analysis
2.       Notes that the federal Government funded the East West Link project at the same time as it cancelled existing investment in public transport projects like the Perth Light Rail project and the Melbourne Metro Rail project  - both of which had been assessed and included by Infrastructure Australia on their Infrastructure Priority List
3.       Requests that, given the almost identical characteristics, the Auditor General investigate the Commonwealth funding approvals and decisions taken for the Perth Freight Link and WestConnex projects.