Australian Greens call for more details of WA government's decision to join federal approach to NDIS


The Australian Greens have welcomed a decision by the West Australian government to become part of the federal approach to the National Disability Insurance Scheme, calling for more details of the new approach to be released.

Australian Greens disability services spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John, who is himself eligible for the scheme, said today he expected the handover would see an improvement in funding for the rollout of the scheme in WA and greater eligibility.

“In handing over control to the commonwealth I would expect to see the findings of the Productivity Commission implemented in full, in particular an expansion of the rollout of the NDIS to provide for up to 45,000 people in WA,” Senator Steele-John said.

“Many people with a disability in WA have been experiencing significant anxiety not knowing what support they will be able to access, or whether they will ever be able to access the NDIS at all; hopefully now for them the wait is over.

“WA’s disability sector has previously called for a co-designed approached to the details of the state’s bilateral agreement, in meeting with Labor following the March 2017 election. It is my sincere hope that this consultative approach has been taken seriously.

“I look forward to getting more details about what joining the federal system will look like for people with a disability in WA, and what has been agreed to in the bilateral agreements.”

Australians Greens Senator for Western Australia Rachel Siewert, a long-time advocate for the NDIS, said she hoped the fiscally-challenged WA government did not use the handover as an opportunity to cut funding to state-based advocacy services as had occurred in NSW.

“There must be a continuity of services for every single person accessing the NDIS, and this includes the incredibly important work done by advocacy groups in helping people with a disability to access those services.

“No one should be left worse off under the NDIS; this is one of the biggest social reforms Australia has seen in a long time and we must ensure, now that all states have signed up to the Federal system, that it is done right.”

Media contact:

Tim Oliver - 0448 316 387

Media Release Disability Services