Australian Greens welcome triple j changing the date of Hottest 100


The Australian Greens welcome triple j moving the date of Australia’s Hottest 100 from January 26 to the final weekend in January.

“Triple j have done substantial polling and spoken comprehensively to the community about when they want to celebrate the 100 best Aussie songs for the year, and Australia has spoken. I welcome triple j’s subsequent decision to change the date”, Australian Greens spokesperson on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues, Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“As stated in triple j’s statement about changing the date, the countdown has not always been on Australia Day.  As such, it shouldn’t be linked inextricably to Australia Day.

“It is fantastic news that everyone in Australia can now enjoy the countdown on a date that doesn’t cause harm and hurt to our First Peoples.

“Alongside millions of other Australians I will be tuning in and can’t wait to see who will be number one this year, that is what the countdown is all about!”.

Media Release Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues