Australian Interactive Games – Funding Metrics


Senator LUDLAM: What do you think the industry needs to recover from that funding loss? I will go to Senator Fifield when he comes back to the table. From your point of view, was it a successful scheme? Whether it is reborn is not up to you guys, but was it a successful scheme from the perspective of the people who were administering it?

Mr Mason: Yes, we would suggest that it was successful in its outcomes and its development.

Senator LUDLAM: Do you have any metrics? I know it is only 12 months, so maybe that is not possible, but do you have any metrics for how much private sector or other source funds were mobilised by the funding that you were able to provide?

Mr Mason: No, I would have to take that on notice. We can provide you with that.


Screen Australia provided $4.178 million to some 43 individual projects through its Games Production Program. That generated total production budgets of $14.297 million. Therefore, every dollar of Screen Australia investment triggered $3.42 of production expenditure.
