Australia’s credibility on world stage on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues lacking


Australia’s election to the Human Rights Council will shine a harsh light on our country’s treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“Australia’s record when it comes to closing the gap and addressing injustices to our First Peoples shows that we are failing to deliver on our human rights responsibilities for Australia’s First People.

“How can we go and parade on the world stage as a leader in human rights when state and federal budget cuts have led to most targets under the Australian Government's Closing the Gap policy not being met.

“We have some of the highest incarceration rates in the world amongst Aboriginal peoples. We have Aboriginal people dying in custody for unpaid fines. Things are getting worse, by many measures.

“In May the Uluru Statement from the Heart was delivered following a long and consultative process built on consensus decision making which the Government has all but ignored. 

“Until this Government commits to addressing Aboriginal disadvantage and injustice our credibility on the international stage is severely lacking."

Media Release Family, Ageing, Community and Disability Services