Budget Estimates Hearings May 2016 - Australian Broadcasting Corporation


Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications
Budget Estimates Hearings May 2016
Communications Portfolio
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Question No: 11 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Hansard
Senator LUDLAM: Thank you, that is useful to know. Maybe I could ask if you could take this on notice: once you have assessed how you are going to make up that shortfall of $10 million a year, if there is anything additional that you want to provide to us on notice I would appreciate it. I actually want to know what you are not going to do, since you are going to have to do that-$10 million just disappears, and that is not nothing. What will cease happening because you need to spend that money?
Mr Pendleton: At this stage there are no plans to cease anything.
Senator LUDLAM: Anything it you can provide us with would be useful.
Answer:The ABC has been successful in negotiating lower rates for the costs of its CDN services. As a result, surplus funds have been applied to the maintenance of CDN services without impacting onother areas of the ABC.