Burt community will be nervous about the proposed cashless card: Greens


“It is unsurprising that the person who helped advise the Government on the unfair cashless welfare card would try and promote it in their capacity as liberal candidate for Burt”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“I think working age income support recipients in Burt who are nervous about the cashless welfare card would be mortified that one of its promoters is endorsing it as a candidate for the region.

“We’ve already seen Ceduna and East Kimberley communities oppose the card and go largely ignored, so for the candidate to propose the card for Burt will be unsettling for many.

“I am sure the Burt community will reflect their view on the card with their vote if Mr O’Sullivan decides to make this a key election promise.

“Income management has failed in the Northern Territory, it is a paternalistic approach that will entrench poverty. We must address gambling and drug and alcohol abuse in the community, but this is the wrong way to go”.