Cambodian Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy


The government denied leave for the below motion to be considered.


I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that -

The Senate:

a) Notes with deep concern recent political developments in Cambodia, including:

i. The issuing of an arrest warrant based on seven-year-old defamation charges against opposition Leader Sam Rainsy and his subsequent removal from parliament and stripping of his parliamentary immunity;

ii. Violent attacks against opposition parliamentarians;

iii. The removal of Opposition Party Deputy Leader Kem Sokha from his post as vice-president of the National Assembly.

b) Calls on the Cambodian Government to:

i. Revoke the arrest warrant issued against Mr Rainsy, and allow him and other opposition parliamentarians to return to Cambodia without fear of arrest or persecution;

ii. Protect and uphold the tenets of multi-party democracy, and take concrete steps to guarantee a free and safe political space;

iii. Engage with the opposition in open dialogue on actions to strengthen Cambodia's democracy.