Centrelink concerns read into the Senate after hundreds of complaints


Awful Centrelink accounts have been read into the Senate after 88 pages of complaints were posted to Senator Rachel Siewert’s Facebook page late last week.

“Nearly 400 complaints were accrued on my Facebook page and the Australian Greens Facebook page over just a few days”, Senator Rachel Siewert said.

“I wanted to read some of those accounts into the Senate as often those trying to tell of their experiences feel invisible.

“After 22 million missed calls last year amongst other issues, there are many Australian’s accessing income support of some form, be it Family Tax Benefit, Paid Parental Leave, Disability Support Pension, Youth Allowance, Newstart, Carers Allowance, who feel extremely frustrated. The missed calls are just the tip of the iceberg.  

“We have gone through every single complaint written to us. I will be taking the issues raised to estimates next week and will be asking the relevant departments to explain what is going on.

“The Government is so set on vilifying income support recipients and have ploughed money into initiatives like a ‘welfare cop’, meanwhile there are endless accounts of recipients trying to adjust their payment just to hit a busy dial tone or hours of wait time.

“Disability Support Pension recipients are reeling from the tightened eligibility that has left many without an adequate income. Carers trying to access the carers payment are being forced to stay on the line for hours, often just to be hung up on. Young single mothers are trying to access their Single Parent Payment and can’t get through. It goes on. We have a debacle on our hands.

“I urge the Government to stop vilifying Australian’s accessing income support and properly fund staffing and Centrelink infrastructure so that our most vulnerable get the support they deserve”.