Clarity from Minister needed on Yampi Sound baiting trial: Greens


WA Greens Environment spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC has called on the Minister to clarify whether the 1080-based ‘Hisstory’ baiting trial on Yampi Sound Training Area will go ahead, amid conflicting reports it has been cancelled for 2017.

“This trial was designed to test the bait’s impact on vulnerable native species, particularly the endangered Northern Quoll, in one of the few regions in WA where they remain safe from feral species,” Mr Chapple said.

“No survey has ever proven the existence of stable feral cat populations within the target area and anecdotal evidence suggests this is because Dingos – one of the few remaining pure populations in Australia – are keeping them at bay.

“This pristine wilderness is a hierarchically intact ecosystem, possibly one of the last of its kind in this condition in Australia, and should be preserved at all costs!

“Even if the Hisstory bait were to have no adverse impact on the Northern Quoll it would absolutely impact the Australian Dingo, who scavenges and ingests food in much the same manner as the cat.

“Feral species must be eradicated as they pose a very real extinction threat to many native animals. But, the methodology in this instance is akin to cutting off the nose to spite the face; it is absolutely flawed.”