Coalition cannot let Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Down


I am deeply distressed by news that Cabinet has reportedly rejected the Referendum Council's proposal for Constitutional reform for 'the voice', Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“If Cabinet has rejected this reform it makes a mockery of the Government's claim that they will listen to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Referendum Council's recommendation was unanimously supported by the First Nations' delegates that met at Uluru and produced the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

“It is not radical to recognise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should have a formalised role to consider legislation and policy that affects them. The Uluru Statement from the Heart was unanimous - a strong, clear voice - and it should not be ignored and it is what is the basis for the Referendum Council recommendation.

“We need urgent action on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recognition, in the form that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples support and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were loud and clear on their view.

"The Greens stand with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples today. We strongly support the Uluru Statement from the Heart by our First Peoples.

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are sick of waiting and so am I. We need to stop letting down our First Peoples and get on with the job.

"I urge Malcolm Turnbull to show leadership and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to implement the Referendum Council's recommendation."

Media Release Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues